Good Morning to the parents of 6th-8th grade students. We are happy to announce that beginning this week, including Fridayā€™s, Sunnyside will be offering on campus learning, every day of the week for the remainder of the 2020-21 school year. Instruction for 6th-8th grade students begins at 8:30 and ends at 2:00. A Friday schedule will be emailed out to all 6th-8th grade students. Please let us know if you have any questions.
over 3 years ago, Mr. Tsuboi
Buenas tardes, padres de Sunnyside. Las conferencias de padres son del 20 de abril al 23 de abril. Las conferencias pueden ser en lĆ­nea a travĆ©s de zoom, una llamada telefĆ³nica o en persona. Si tiene alguna preferencia, comunĆ­quese con el maestro de su hijo. La mayorĆ­a de las conferencias en este momento se llevan a cabo de forma remota. Sunnyside proporcionarĆ” el entorno en el que tanto el personal como los padres se sientan mĆ”s seguros. Todos los estudiantes saldrĆ”n a la 1:00. Si tiene un alumno de 4Āŗ a 8Āŗ grado, puede recogerlo a la 1:00 PM. Los estudiantes que viajen en el autobĆŗs 1:50 continuarĆ”n haciĆ©ndolo. Los estudiantes permanecerĆ”n bajo supervisiĆ³n hasta este momento. No hay clases de intervenciĆ³n durante las conferencias de padres. ComunĆ­quese con la escuela si tiene alguna pregunta
over 3 years ago, Mr. Tsuboi
Good Afternoon Sunnyside Parents. Parent conferences are from April 20 through April 23. Conferences can be online via zoom, a phone call, or in person. If you have a preference please contact your childā€™s teacher. Most conferences at this time are being conducted remotely. Sunnyside will provide the environment that both the staff and parents both feel most safe. All students will be released at 1:00. If you have a 4th-8th grader you may pick them up at 1:00 PM. Students who ride the 1:50 bus will continue to do so. Students will remain under supervision until this time. There are no intervention classes during parent conferences. Please contact the school if you have any questions.
over 3 years ago, Mr. Tsuboi
Sunnyside School has just recently installed 18 Large Air Purifiers into the classrooms. These units use two HEPA 13 filters and are rated to cover up to 2400 square feet (much more than our classrooms). Clean air in the classrooms! La escuela Sunnyside recientemente instalĆ³ 18 purificadores de aire grandes en las aulas. Estas unidades usan dos filtros HEPA 13 y estĆ”n clasificadas para cubrir hasta 2400 pies cuadrados (mucho mĆ”s que nuestras aulas). Ā”Aire limpio en las aulas!
over 3 years ago, Mr. Tsuboi
Good Afternoon Parents. This is a reminder that there is on campus learning tomorrow for Kindergarten thru Fifth Grade students who have been attending school onsite. The schedule for K-5 is the same as it has been all week. The only distance learning is for Grades 6-8 due to the complex daily schedule they have on Fridayā€™s. Buenos tardes padres. Este es un recordatorio de que maƱana hay aprendizaje en el campus para los estudiantes de jardĆ­n de infantes a quinto grado que han estado asistiendo a la escuela en el sitio. El horario para K-5 es el mismo que ha sido durante toda la semana. El Ćŗnico aprendizaje a distancia es para los grados 6-8 debido al complejo horario diario que tienen los viernes.
over 3 years ago, Mr. Tsuboi
Saludos a la comunidad de Sunnyside. MaƱana, 6 de abril, es nuestro primer dĆ­a de regreso con todos los niveles de grado. AquĆ­ hay informaciĆ³n importante. . . Los estudiantes que viajen en el autobĆŗs deben tener una mĆ”scara y se les controlarĆ” la temperatura. Si su hijo se ha sentido enfermo, mantĆ©ngalo en casa por razones de precauciĆ³n. Debido a los protocolos de COVID, las rutas de los autobuses de transporte pueden no ser exactas y se pueden esperar retrasos. En general, si vive fuera de Plainview, los autobuses llegarĆ”n aproximadamente entre las 7:15 y las 7:40. En Plainview, los estudiantes pueden esperar que los autobuses lleguen a las 7:25. Debes ir a cualquier extremo de tu calle. AquĆ­ es donde lo recogerĆ” su autobĆŗs asignado. No vaya a otra calle a menos que se le indique. Si cree que perdiĆ³ el autobĆŗs, llame a la escuela y le enviaremos un conductor lo antes posible. Si es posible, deje a su hijo en la maƱana a partir de las 7:45 en su Ć”rea asignada. Esto ayudarĆ” a todos enormemente. Pasaremos estos nuevos tiempos juntos. Nos vemos maƱana. Enlace de informaciĆ³n:
over 3 years ago, Mr. Tsuboi
Greetings Sunnyside Community. Tomorrow, April 6, is our first day back with all grade levels. Here is some important information . . . Students who are riding the bus must have a mask on and will have their temperature checked. If your child has been feeling ill please keep them home for precautionary purposes. Due to COVID protocols with transportation bus routes may not be exact and expect delays. In general if you live outside of Plainview buses will be arriving beginning at 7:15 to 7:40 or thereabouts. In Plainview students can expect busses to arrive beginning around 7:25. You must go to either end of your street. This is where your assigned bus will pick you up. Do not go to another street unless directed to do so. If you think you missed the bus, call the school and we will send a driver out as soon as possible. If at all possible, please drop off your child in the morning beginning at 7:45 in their assigned area. This will help everyone out tremendously. We will make it through these new times together. See you all tomorrow. Information Link:
over 3 years ago, Mr. Tsuboi
The correct date for return on the previous message is Tuesday, April 6!
over 3 years ago, Mr. Tsuboi
Greetings Sunnyside Community. Tomorrow, April 7, is our first day back with all grade levels. Here is some important information . . . Students who are riding the bus must have a mask on and will have their temperature checked. If your child has been feeling ill please keep them home for precautionary purposes. Due to COVID protocols with transportation bus routes may not be exact and expect delays. In general if you live outside of Plainview buses will be arriving beginning at 7:15 to 7:40 or thereabouts. In Plainview students can expect busses to arrive beginning around 7:25. You must go to either end of your street. This is where your assigned bus will pick you up. Do not go to another street unless directed to do so. If you think you missed the bus, call the school and we will send a driver out as soon as possible. If at all possible, please drop off your child in the morning beginning at 7:45 in their assigned area. This will help everyone out tremendously. We will make it through these new times together. See you all tomorrow. Information Link:
over 3 years ago, Mr. Tsuboi
Buenos dĆ­as, Sunnyside. Haga clic en los enlaces adjuntos para obtener informaciĆ³n sobre nuestro regreso al campus el 6 de abril. Estos enlaces incluyen informaciĆ³n y horarios valiosos (incluidos los nuevos horarios de salida). El horario JUNIOR HIGH estĆ” incluido. SOLO PARA JUNIOR HIGH: VIERNES es solo aprendizaje a distancia. EnvĆ­e un correo electrĆ³nico a o llame al 568-1741 si tiene preguntas. Enlace de informaciĆ³n general: Enlace de horario JUNIOR HIGH: Toda la informaciĆ³n tambiĆ©n se puede encontrar en el sitio web de la escuela.
almost 4 years ago, Mr. Tsuboi
Good Morning Sunnyside. Please click on the attached links for information regarding our return to campus on April 6. These links include valuable information and schedules (including new dismissal times). The JUNIOR HIGH schedule is included. FOR JUNIOR HIGH ONLY: FRIDAY is Distance Learning Only. Email or call 568-1741 with questions. General Information Link: JUNIOR HIGH Schedule Link: All information can also be found on the school website.
almost 4 years ago, Mr. Tsuboi
March 25, 2021
Tomorrow Night, March 25th at 6:30 PM is Sunnyside's Parent Involvement Magic Night. Please check your student's email for zoom information. MaƱana por la noche, 25 de marzo a las 6:30 PM es la Noche MĆ”gica de ParticipaciĆ³n de los Padres de Sunnyside. Por favor revise el correo electrĆ³nico de su estudiante para obtener informaciĆ³n sobre el zoom.
almost 4 years ago, Sunnyside
The Pro Kids Show!
almost 4 years ago, Sunnyside
Tim Hannig
Important Announcements from Sunnyside. On April 6, Sunnyside will officially return to on campus learning for all grade levels. More information to follow. March 17 and March 18 are Professional Development Days and there will be no school. There is school next week. Spring Break begins March 29 and goes through April 5. It will be great to see all the students again. Anuncios importantes de Sunnyside. El 6 de abril, Sunnyside regresarĆ” oficialmente al aprendizaje en el campus para todos los niveles de grado. MĆ”s informaciĆ³n a seguir. El 17 y 18 de marzo son DĆ­as de Desarrollo Profesional y no habrĆ” clases. Hay escuela la semana que viene. Las vacaciones de primavera comienzan el 29 de marzo y terminan el 5 de abril. SerĆ” genial volver a ver a todos los estudiantes.
almost 4 years ago, Mr. Tsuboi
CORRECTION TO PREVIOUS TEXT. The announcement earlier should have stated the possible Tulare County tier change will be March 16 (tomorrow), not April 16. Sorry for any confusion. Thank You! CORRECCIƓN DEL TEXTO ANTERIOR. El anuncio anterior deberĆ­a haber indicado que el posible cambio de nivel en el condado de Tulare serĆ” el 16 de marzo (maƱana), no el 16 de abril. PerdĆ³n por cualquier confusiĆ³n. Ā”Gracias!
almost 4 years ago, Mr. Tsuboi
Buenos dĆ­as, padres de Sunnyside. ANUNCIO. Se nos ha informado que el condado de Tulare probablemente serĆ” reclasificado en el NIVEL ROJO el martes 16 de abril. SI esto ocurre, Sunnyside reanudarĆ” la instrucciĆ³n en el campus a partir del martes 6 de abril, despuĆ©s de nuestras vacaciones de primavera programadas regularmente. Se enviarĆ” mĆ”s informaciĆ³n en los prĆ³ximos dĆ­as. Si no ha completado la siguiente encuesta o no ha estado en contacto con la escuela, hĆ”galo para permitirnos planificar adecuadamente el transporte, desarrollar horarios diarios y establecer servicios de comida. Para aquellos de ustedes que ya se inscribieron en TK-5 para una devoluciĆ³n el 22 de marzo, aĆŗn pueden hacerlo. Gracias y finalmente esperamos verte pronto. Enlace:
almost 4 years ago, Mr. Tsuboi
Welcome Back Thumbs Up
Good Morning Sunnyside Parents. ANNOUNCEMENT. We have been informed that Tulare County will most likely be reclassified into the RED TIER on Tuesday, April 16. IF this occurs Sunnyside will resume on campus instruction beginning Tuesday, April 6, following our regularly scheduled Spring Break. More information will be sent out in the following days. If you have not completed the following survey or have not being in contact with the school, please do so to allow us to adequate plan transportation, develop daily schedules, and set up food services. For those of you who already signed up in TK-5 for a March 22 return, you may still do so. Thank you and we finally hope to see you soon. Link:
almost 4 years ago, Mr. Tsuboi
Welcome Back Thumbs Up
RECORDATORIO. Por favor complete la encuesta de regreso a la escuela lo antes posible. Necesitamos esta informaciĆ³n para ayudar a que este sea un regreso seguro y una transiciĆ³n fĆ”cil. Solo se ha contabilizado alrededor de un tercio de los estudiantes. Si ya ha completado la encuesta, no la vuelva a completar. Ā”Gracias! Spanish Link:
almost 4 years ago, Mr. Tsuboi
REMINDER. Please complete the return to school survey as soon as possible. We need this information to help make this a safe return and easy transition. Only about one-third of the students have been accounted for. If you have already completed the survey, please do not complete again. Thank You! English Link:
almost 4 years ago, Mr. Tsuboi
MENSAJE IMPORTANTE DE SUNNYSIDE. Buenos dias padres. Parece que pronto podremos abrir el campus para todos los grados TK-8. Estaremos n un horario de dĆ­as mĆ”s corto y con suerte volveremos a casi un dĆ­a completo a medida que avancemos durante el resto del aƱo. No queremos abrir sin todos los servicios en su lugar (transporte, servicios de comida, acadĆ©mico, emocional y de salud y seguridad). POR FAVOR complete la encuesta adjunta, incluso si su hijo ya estĆ” asistiendo, para que podamos planificar el nĆŗmero correcto de estudiantes. Cuanta mĆ”s informaciĆ³n tengamos, nos ayudaremos a tratar de satisfacer sus necesidades. Le informaremos lo antes posible cuando sea la apertura y le daremos tiempo para ajustar su horario segĆŗn sea necesario. Ā”GRACIAS!
almost 4 years ago, Mr. Tsuboi